Monday, March 28, 2011

Buyers Remorse

HB Hippy

So I have this thing where I hate going to partys ‘S-O-L-O’ [Youtube the Jumpsmokers remix] even if I know the people at the club/bar/party. I need to walk in with an entourage. ITS HOW I ROLL SON. So it was my sisters (graduate school sisters- don’t ask) birthday party on Friday. I hit up match HARD that week and get a couple of numbers. I end up running text game with HB Hippy all week and we decide to meet up before the party in Andersonville. 
First of all, its pouring rain and I don’t do umbrellas. I show up at the bar drenched! I B line to the bathroom and they only have those ‘accelerator’ hand dryers. I stuck my head under it. Yeah, I felt my brain being pushed to the back of my skull. HB Hippy finally makes it over and I run my grounding routine on her. We get some rapport over being healers (she owns her own acupuncture practice). She mentions she doesn’t have plans so we hit up my lil sis’ bday party.

Let me just say that I HATE the fact that some people just don't look like their pictures. As HB Hippy walked over to the bar and ordered a drink, I pulled up match on my phone to verify her age. She was literally dressed like a female Fonz. I'm sucker for perky boobs, so naturally I let her fashion mishap slide. 
I create some kino on the cab ride over as it was freezing out for a March night. So we get to the bar and we’re about to order drinks, she pulls me in and we make out. I pull away, give her the “stop being so sexually aggressively!” with a grin. This continues throughout the night and the entire cab ride back. I try inviting myself over but she mentions she has boxing in the AM. I get home, get the good night text and that was the last I heard from her. No more texts/emails. #buyers remorse  

I think I made it too obvious that I was only looking to hookup...I never tried to make any future plans or 'set up dates' so she wouldn't think I was looking for a one night stand. Lesson learned. 

As if the night couldn't get better, I end up taking a $45 cab ride back to the burbs and my ex gf HB M sends me a text at 2am telling me that she needs space from me, again. I'm so over that drama queen. Perfect example of a hot girl with issues. F. 

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